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All Blog Administrators MUST Be Able To Perform

OK, you have a blog, and you just decided that you need someone else to help you, as a backup administrator.

Be careful now, don't put yourself in the position of losing ability to administer the blog.
I accidentally lost administrative ability to the blog. What do I do now? How quickly can Blogger re instate me? Help!!!

Having a second administrator for the blog isn't a bad idea, but it comes with a caveat. When you have more than one administrator, either will be able to delete or downgrade either account. Both administrators have to be able to perform the job. Should either account become unavailable, the other has to be able to take over.

Don't assign administrator status to someone who can't do the job, or you don't trust completely.

Remember any administrator will have the power to remove all other administrators (including you) from their status, so don't let a fox into the henhouse.

And, should you have administrator status, and be able to remove yourself because someone else has it too, before you remove yourself note the identity of the other administrator. Don't get into Google Blogger Help, and ask
How do I find out who the other administrator is? I removed myself, and now can't get back in. Help!

Until Blogger fixes this major design weakness, you need to deactivate any administrators who won't be available for an extended amount of time. Decide how long you can, conveniently, wait for the second administrator to perform. If that person will be unavailable for an inconvenient amount of time, deactivate his / her administrative status. Don't depend upon filing a report with Blogger Contact, to get your status restored.

Also, you may need to note that Blogger isn't a robust content management system, that supports and tracks concurrent updates by multiple people. You have to manage the people who update the blog, on your own. You have to be able to trust each blog administrator, as Blogger won't help you track their activity. There is no update log, to tell you who changed something.


stellagkatsoudas saidā€¦
im sorry, im so confused. all i wanted to do was set up my poetry blog, invite people to read and comment. i got confused, i think, between administrators and readers. i accidentally made a friend an administrator, thinking i was just accepting him as a reader. i tried to follow the directions on how to make him an author. and all my functions went away, even though, now it says im the only administrator. does this make any sense? how did i screw this up and how can i fix it? can you give me direction? sorry im such a newbie. ~stella
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

This is a good subject for my Nitecruzr Dot Net - Blogging forum. We can discuss issues so much easier in an online forum, than in Blogger commenting.
She's So Fly saidā€¦
I could add a author and not a admin on blogger...what am I doing wrong? I want to transfer ownership and not add a team member
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

It's a 4 step process.
1. Invite a new member.
2. Accept new membership status.
3. Upgrade the new member to administrator.
4. Remove the old administrator.
Just do it, one step at a time, using the right Blogger account.

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