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The Blogger Workaround For The bX-r1buvw Error Isn't Effective Universally

Various Bloggers have stated that the workaround of adding code to the AdSense snippet isn't helping them avoid the bX-r1buvw error. It's possible, though unconfirmed, that the folks experiencing this frustration are those with multiple AdSense entries in the blog, where they've neglected to update one or more.

>> Forum thread links: bX-*00051

>> Copy this tag: bX-*00051

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julianaka saidā€¦
I have the same problem, but just one adsense banner in my template :(
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Hi Juliana,

When you're looking at your blog, do "View Source", and search on "google_ad_client". I think you'll be surprised.

And add "google_ad_host ..." after all instances of "google_ad_client ...".
julianaka saidā€¦
Hi Chuck

Thank you so much! I forgot about the google button, I was just looking at the banner...

Anyway, I hope adsense will find a better solution for the future! Thanks again! ;)
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
My pleasure, Juliana!

We all have to hammer on Blogger, and Google, over and over. Eventually they will learn proper system management, and customer support, techniques.

Last year was an uphill struggle, and I won't bet this year will be any easier.

Use Blogger Contact, and Blogger Wishlist, whenever.

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