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Splog With Navbar Disabled? Ha

So the latest trick, when a spammer plants another splog out there, is to Hide the Navbar. This may, or may not, also be a Hijacked Blog. It's done through a very simple modification to the template code.

This supposedly prevents us from finding and selecting the "Report Abuse" link, which would let us report the splog, and block it from being promoted. We are also not able to hit "Next Blog" and get away from there. Two common splogger tricks.

Blogger told us sometime ago that we are allowed to remove the navbar from our blogs (though they do not recommend such action). And removing the navbar is not at all a difficult task.

If you run into a splog, or otherwise offensive blog, open a new tab or window in your browser, and go to Blogger Help: Report a Terms of Service Violation, where you see the improved navbar "Report Abuse" wizard. This is the same wizard that you would get from the "Report Abuse" link in the navbar, you simply have to copy and paste (or type) the URL of the offending blog, somewhere in the wizard sequence.

Note that any claim that you make will be verified by Blogger before action is taken, and not all claims are automatically judged in favour of the claim made. Innocence until proven guilty is a way of life, and of policy, in the USA.

When you're surfing thru the blogosphere, and you run into a blog with no Navbar, just use the Blogger Help: Report a Terms of Service Violation link, fill in the form, and move on.

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Ed saidā€¦
It doesn't work to drag and drop the ">>Go To Next Blog"
I just get a circle with a line through it when I try.
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

What browser do you have? Dragging and dropping anything into the IE favourites isn't easy to do. You'll probably to better to manually make a Next Blog favourite, in IE.

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